How to add an own order numbers generator


LFS order numbers generator is pluggable. In this tutorial you will learn how to add an own one.

Please see also the complete example application or refer to the default implementation of LFS within lfs_order_numbers.

Create an application

First you need to create a default Django application (or use an existing one). If you do not know how to do this, please refer to the excellent Django tutorial.

The structure of the application should look at least like this:


Implement the application

Add the model

Within file of your application create a class called OrderNumberGenerator which inherits from LFS’ OrderNumberGenerator base class and add a method to it called get_next:

from lfs.plugins import OrderNumberGenerator as Base

class OrderNumberGenerator(Base):
    def get_next(self, formatted=True):
        return "DOE-4711"

The get_next method is called when the shop customer submits a new order. It must return a character value which will become the order number of the new order.

Plug in your order number generator

Now as the code is ready, you can easily plugin your payment method:

  1. Add your application to the PYTHONPATH.

  2. Add your class to

    LFS_ORDER_NUMBER_GENERATOR = “my_order_numbers.models.OrderNumberGenerator”

  3. Add your application to settings.INSTALLED_APPS and sync the database.

And that’s it

You should now see your form within the Order Numbers tab within Shop/Preference and the get_next method of your model should be called to generate a new order number.

Optionally Add your own Template

Optionally you can add your own HTML for the management interface. For this just add the order_numbers_tab.html template to your application:


Please refer to the standard template of LFS to get more details. You can find this on following place:


In this case please make sure that your my_order_numbers application stands before lfs within INSTALLED_APPS of so that LFS’ default order_numbers_tab.html template is overwritten.

Further hints

  • The form is automatically created from the model you provide. However you can provide a own own by overwriting the get_form method. See the API for more.
  • If you just want to exclude certain fields from the automatically generated form you can overwrite the exclude_form_fields. The return value is just passed to the exclude attribute of the from Meta class. See the API for more.

Available information

Within the get_next method of your new class you have access to following information:

The current request
The current user
The current customer
The current cart
The order which is about to be created.

Please note that you have also access to the products of the order via the items attribute. For instance:

for item in self.order.items.all():
    product = item.product

See the also the Order and OrderItem classes for more information.