

Within the reviews overview all existing reviews are displayed.



  • To sort the displayed reviews click on the columns title.


  • To view a review in detail just click on it.


Within the review detail view you can see several information about a single review:

  • The general information: the id, activity state, creation date, reviewer’s name, reviewer’s e-mail, customer’s registration state, the reviewed state, the score.
  • The comment of the review

Navigation / Filtering

You can filter and navigate through the displayed reviews on the left:

  • With the page navigation you can navigate through all customers.
  • To filter the reviews by name just fill in the name field and click Submit.
  • To filter the reviews by activity state just select the state and click Submit.
  • To reset the filter just click on the red X button.


Delete review
To delete the current review just click on the Delete review button and answer the confirmation question with Yes.
Change activity state:

To change the activity state of the current review select the desired state and click on the Change button.


Only active reviews are displayed.