.. index:: Customer, Shipping Address, Invoice Address ========= Customers ========= Overview ========= Within the customers overview all customers are displayed. .. image:: /images/customers_overview.* Navigation / Filtering ---------------------- With the page navigation you can navigate through all customers. To filter the displayed customers by name just fill in the name field and click ``Submit``. To reset the filter just click on the red ``X`` button. Sorting ------- To sort the displayed customers click on the columns title. Details ------- To view a customer in detail just click on the row of the customer. Details ======= Within the customer detail view you can see several information about a single customer: the id and the registration status, the current invoice address and shipping address, the current cart of the customer, if there is one. Click on the cart row to see it in detail. You can also check which orders the customer has submitted and the state of the them. Click on the order row to see it in detail. .. image:: /images/customers_detail.* Navigation / Filtering ---------------------- With the page navigation you can navigate through all customers. To filter the displayed customers by name just fill in the name field and click ``Submit``. To reset the filter just click on the red ``X`` button.